Customer Testimonials

The following is small sample of comments we have received from our user community about Email Templates:

This is a terrific product! I use it every day.
Sue Mosher,,
author of "The Microsoft Outlook Email and Fax Guide"
The one add-on for Outlook and Exchange you can't live without.
Larry McJunkin,
VP Operations, Windows Users Group Network (WUGNET)
I've just bought Email Template. Please forgive me for saying this again, but... WOW!
Cam R.
You folks have the most productive time saving product that I have ever used. Absolutely the best in class.
Dean Villegas
Mortgage Basics Magazine
This is one of those programs you can't live without!
Larry G. Johnson
Legal Technology Group, Inc. 
I get an average of 3-400 support emails a week and had previously been using cut/paste from a huge WordPad file. I've nearly finished migrating that file to ET and I can now answer 90% of emails in seconds. In short your product is superb and your online support excellent.
Kevin B.
I've been using your product for a couple of months now, and it is really fantastic. It saves me hours a day with answering emails (over 300 a day)
Marco B.
Once you've used ET, you'll wonder how you survived without it! It's an absolute necessity in a high volume email environment. I'm an independent software developer and do all of my own customer service using ET. Absolutely FANTASTIC product!!!
Dean S. Nash
WWIV Software Services, LLC
I can honestly say that your company and program are of unequalled excellence. Congratulations on creating a very useful product - one that you don't realise you need until you start counting how many times you've used a template and how many hours it's saved you.
Jason F.
I just purchased the full copy of Email Templates; what a great help to reduce the many hours behind the PC to respond to our daily avalanche of e-mails!
Frank P.J. van Haalen